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Ağdam (also, Agdam ) is a ghost town in the southwest part of Azerbaijan and the capital of its Agdam District. The forces of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic captured Agdam during their 1993 summer offensives. The heavy fighting forced the entire population to flee eastwards. After they took possession of the town the Armenian forces of Nagorno-Karabkh decided to destroy much of Agdam to discourage the Azerbaijanis from recapturing it. More damage occurred in the following decades when locals looted the deserted town for building materials. Agdam is currently ruined and uninhabited. The town's large Agdam Mosque survives intact but is in a derelict condition.

Recent city comments:

  • Usta Xudayarin yurdu, Nasir1999 wrote 12 years ago:
    Bunları mən, Nəsir Ağayev Xudayaroğlu, eləmişəm.
  • School 7, AZERIKIZ (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    я училась в этой школе .Школа -7.и эти наглые скоты,варвары еще имеют наглость говорить что это их земля.Разве со своей землей поступают так? Разве человек разрушает то что принадлежит ему?интересно что случилось с моими одноклассниками и с нашим директором Камал Ашраповичем? Наверное умер. Аллах Рехмет елесин.Надеюсь что справедливость восторжествует скоро и мы снова построем нашу школу. GOD, how much i hate those barbars !
  • Agdam, PsalmTours wrote 16 years ago:
    These pics have nothing in common with today's Aghdam...
  • Agdam, omimo25 wrote 16 years ago:
    I THINK the conflict is of Karabag is problem for both people
Agdam on the map.

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